Brampton Soccer Club
In Brampton soccer club we focus on developing general norms and values like respect, cooperation and discipline. Next to that, we put an emphasis on sportive aspects such as technique and tactics. We make more emphasis upon the social development of the children by exercising and playing together. Brampton soccer club is more than a place for fun, our mission is to prepare children who can play in the biggest leagues in the future.
Skill programs at Brampton soccer club
This program is a great opportunity for children to begin to discover themselves and develop their skills on the soccer field. This is a program for Brampton children from 5 to 12 years old. In every session the focus is on our core values:
This values are instilled in children from the beginning until the end of the session.
Competitive programs at Brampton soccer club
In this program we work on much more structured and advanced techniques that allow children to develop their full potential to play against other teams and programs through healthy competition.
Inclusive programs at Brampton soccer club
The inclusive program of Brampton Soccer Club is carefully designed to encourage children with disabilities in the development of their skills with the rigorous support of our certified coaches.
Call us for more information 416-896-8695 or email us to