Bulletin #: I2020-049
Date: May 14, 2020
To: Ontario Soccer; District Membership, ORA, Associate Members
CC: Ontario Soccer Board of Directors, Staff
From: Johnny Misley, Chief Executive Officer
Subject: Provincial Government Announcement of Opening of Outdoor Recreational Fields
Ontario Soccer, in consultation with Canada Soccer and governmental advisors, continues to monitor the most recent developments surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and are assessing operations and deciding cancelations and postponements on a month-to-month basis as the pandemic continues to unfold. The Ontario Provincial Government today announced additional workplaces that are scheduled to reopen. As part of the announcement, the government stated that recreational, outdoor fields would open, beginning on May 19, 2020. The Provincial Government further clarified this statement with the following, addressing what would specifically be opening in this regard: “recreational activities for individual or single competitors, including training and sport competitions conducted by a recognized national or provincial sport organization. This includes indoor and outdoor non-team sport competitions that can be played while maintaining physical distancing and without spectators, such as tennis, track and field and horse racing.” At the present time, Ontario Soccer has not been provided through the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries, direction on Return to Play safety protocol or guidelines. Ontario Soccer will continue to update membership with all relevant and current information surrounding Return to Play when known. If your membership has further questions, please refer them to the latest bulletin, the COVID-19 Updates page, which has all the latest information from Ontario Soccer, as well as resources for your members to better inform themselves. As well, please consider placing a dedicated link to the COVID19 Updates on the homepage on your website. 2 If you have not subscribed to our weekly e-Newsletter, please do so here. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Forbes, Director of Administration.