Soccer for toddlers
Soccer for toddlers in our soccer club in Ontario. Soccer is the perfect way to introduce children to sport by teaching high quality soccer skills in a friendly environment where they can interact with other kids so they can learn through play.
One of the benefits that brings to a toddler is that they begin to increase responsibility for their health and physical wellbeing on a very early age. Simple problem-solving activities provide the perfect informal framework for motivating these youngsters to advance their basic attention building and listening skills.
At First touch soccer academy we have professionals who specialize in the care, attention and training of our youngest students, whose priority is that children begin their participation in this wonderful sport through practices and exercises appropriate for their age.
¿When to start the initiation to soccer?
Some people think that it is necessary to wait until children are 10 years old or older to start training soccer, but the truth is that since they turn 4 years old they can learn the appropriate foundations that will help them develop in the future, not only on the field but also it helps them to solve problems and develop their creativity thanks to the stimulation they receive as toddlers.
For these reasons, at First Touch Soccer Academy we create a plan focus on toddlers learning how to refine their large motor skills through introducing soccer fundamentals. This is all done by participating in various fun activities each class and game, through a progressive structure.
In case you need more information about soccer for toddlers you can always call us 416-896-8695 or email us to, our friendly agents will be happy to answer your questions.